A simple question to start this section.
What software tools are currently avaialble to help carry out analysis using Fides?
A simple question to start this section.
What software tools are currently avaialble to help carry out analysis using Fides?
Hi Richard,
Indeed this is the good question to start.
Today, two tools are available:
- The FIDES Mill tool. This tool has been developed by the FIDES Group. It is based on Excel spreadsheet and allows a complete and easy implementation of the FIDES methodology. It can be downloaded for free
on this web site.
- The RAM Commander software, developped by ALD. See: http://www.ald.co.il/products/ramcom.html.
The FIDES group hopes that in the future the major RAMS software will all propose FIDES calculations. More news on this subject are expected soon.
Hello Richard
Please note that BQR is going to publish the CARE-FIDES model next month.
The CARE (Computer Aided Reliability Engineering) includes also a Stress-Calculator under the name fiXtress.
fiXtress calculates the power, current and voltage developed on each component automatically from the net-list of the PCB, for more accurate MTBF prediction and Stress-Derating analysis.
This is a very good news !
Thank you for this information.