What Software Tools are available?

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What Software Tools are available?

A simple question to start this section.

What software tools are currently avaialble to help carry out analysis using Fides?


Re: What Software Tools are available?

Hi Richard,

Indeed this is the good question to start.

Today, two tools are available:

- The FIDES Mill tool. This tool has been developed by the FIDES Group. It is based on Excel spreadsheet and allows a complete and easy implementation of the FIDES methodology. It can be downloaded for free on this web site.

- The RAM Commander software, developped by ALD. See: http://www.ald.co.il/products/ramcom.html.

The FIDES group hopes that in the future the major RAMS software will all propose FIDES calculations. More news on this subject are expected soon.


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Re: What Software Tools are available?

Hello Richard

Please note that BQR is going to publish the CARE-FIDES model next month.

The CARE (Computer Aided Reliability Engineering) includes also a Stress-Calculator under the name fiXtress.

fiXtress calculates the power, current and voltage developed on each component automatically from the net-list of the PCB, for more accurate MTBF prediction and Stress-Derating analysis.



Re: What Software Tools are available?

This is a very good news !

Thank you for this information.

Re: What Software Tools are available?
As of today, Relex 2009 can incorporate FIDES methodology for Reliability predictions.