EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure

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EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure
Hi all,

I have some troubles with the actual EXCEL tool. The name of the first entered component in the Input - Components sheet does not appear in the Results 2_Phase sheet. Instead of the entered name, only "Enter here the name of the first component" appers. The results left of the name are correct, only the name is wrong.

The second problem is that in the Output sheet no name in the item column apperas. Every cell (C3:C919) contains #REF!

Does anyone has the same problems, or knows the solution for that problem.

Thx Martin.

Modifié par: tourtelier_d on 13/05/2014 - 13:50
Re: EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure

Hi Martin,

There is many possible explanations, but it looks like you are using a corrupted spreadsheet. Remember the tool is only a spreadsheet, full of links and formulaes. Sometimes after a cut and paste the links between cells become wrong and the file is no more usable. It is recommanded to be careful with cut and paste and to paste only the "value". Perhaps you have inserted or deleted cells in the spreadsheet?

Try to put your data in a new spreadsheet (you can download it on this website). You can use cut and paste, but paste only values and go step by step (it′s quite boring, I admit).

If you can send me the spreadsheet (send it at contact@fides-reliability.org) I′ll try to have a look on it to see if I can help.



Re: EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure
I have the same issue (the output sheet shows "#REF" instead of a component). This is with a fresh spreadsheet as downloaded today (Feb 25, 2009), with one part freshly added. The formula in the cell is " =INDIRECT("L31C"&A4,FALSE) " (without the quotes).

Also, the ZIP file containing "Version 2FIDES Mill 2004A -2- Component.xls" downloads without the ".zip" appended to the filename (I needed to rename the file "FIDES" to "FIDES.zip" before extracting the file.

Re: EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure


Do you use the comma "," and not the point "." to separate decimal?

Try to modify your system (Windows) settings in the control panel. You will have to recalculate the spreadsheet also. Tell us if it doesn′t solve the concern.



Re: EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure
I use the point "." to separate decimal (I′m in Canada). Do I need to use a "," instead? Should I email the spreadsheet to someone?
Re: EXCEL Sheet, Output list failure

No ! the spreadsheet normaly works better with the "."...

Send your spreadsheet (in a .zip package) to contact@fides-reliability.org. I′ll try to have a look.

