Softwares differences and contribution

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Softwares differences and contribution


I have several questions about the softwares available.

As far as I know, there are 3 or 4 softwares including FIDES methodology:

Fiability by Norisko

Care by BQR

Ram Commander by ALD

Lambda Predict by Reliasoft

First, is this correct, and what are the main differences between them?

Then, what is the contribution of this kind of software since the excel tool is free and I presume “more up-to-date”?

Thank you


Modifié par: tourtelier_d on 13/05/2014 - 11:08
Re: Softwares differences and contribution

Hi Quentin,

Today (April 2008) some tools you have mentionned are only announced or under development. And at least one other developper has also annouced his intent to have a FIDES module in his tool. At the end of 2008, we expect to have 5 tools on the market.

The differences between the tools are for example:

- human to machine interface,

- data management tools (import or export datas, libraries)

- reliability analysis aids.

The spreadsheet is the most flexible but, for example, it can′t handle libraries (components, life profiles). The Norisko tool will probably be the first to implement the "coming soon" FIDES Guide 2008 but all tools will probably update quickly. The tools are often proposed in an evaluation version, for evaluation purpose.

Unfortunatly, despite the many requests, it is not planed to update and enhance the FIDES Mill spreadsheet to FIDES GUIDE 2008 standard.



s.pasquet (non vérifié)
Re: Softwares differences and contribution


I′m a RAM Commander user and I will present my point of view.

Excel file allows you to do reliability predictions with FIDES, but only FIDES. Nevertheless, it is a free powerfull soft, easy to use.

ALD has implemented FIDES in RAM Commander since the end of the year 2004, and the results will be the sames as the ones you will have with FIDES Excel soft. It is up-to-date as Excel.

Moreover, RAM Commander covers the entire scope of engineering tasks related to reliability of electronic, electro-mechanical and mechanical systems. You will have the possibility to realize predictions with others standards, but also to use the results to do FMECA, Fault Tree Analysis, ... Lastly it is no limited to the number of components you want to modelize. If you want more information about RAM Commander you can have a look at or contact French support at

The FIDES 2008 must be available by the end of 2008 (depending of FIDES 2008 guide publication date).

Best regards


Re: Softwares differences and contribution

Please no advertising on this forum!

Sylvain, it would have been fair to say you are also a RAM commander retailer, arn′t you?

All the best with FIDES!

Re: Softwares differences and contribution

As a user of three "software", here are my feedback

FIDES Excel mill tool : The easiest to use, quite boring when you got several electronic boards to assess, you can use it for little size assesments

Ram commander : Good human to machine interface, heavy job on component input, easy to handle, but be prepared to spend a lot of time on component input phase

Fiability Norisko : You can to lose your nerves on human to machine interface on the main panel (under panels are easier to use), presence of a database that can simplify the component input phase, easy to change the life profile.Fiability Norisko is difficult to handle but certainly the most powerfull

Hope this will help you


Re: Softwares differences and contribution

Thank you for your contribution.

Nevertheless my definition of the word "powerfull" is incompatible with the Norisko product. This product is only a "FIDES calculator" with very few additional function.

Automatic Component Part List importation should be a goal for every company who handle a lot of reliability prevision, whatever the tool.

Try the Excel FIDES Mill with some additional tools like Crystalball ( or Simcab ( to see what a "powerfull" analysis may be!

All the best with FIDES!


Re: Softwares differences and contribution

Hi Lambda

I am trying to contact someone within FIDES, can you please contact me at either +44 1889 579100 or I have tried the contact us section on the website, however emails are returned as receivers mailbox is full!

Feel free to delete this posting after you read it!



Re: Softwares differences and contribution

Dear Simon,

Sorry for the late answer... no problem for the post!

To make solid statistics about reliability in storage conditions, French reliability engineers shut down their PC for 4 or 5 weeks in the summer. During this time they go on some hot location like Corsica or Saint-Tropez to study high temperature and the ageing of skin under sunny conditions.

Best regards,
