Inductive coil 32Khz/433mhz

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Inductive coil 32Khz/433mhz

Hi !

from the list of coponents that´s in Fides program, I can not find a match for a a inductive coil that´s solded on the PCB for LF/HF transmission reception range of 32 K to 433Mhz. Our coponent works with a standard 3V cell battery.

There is most probably a paliative family that´s close to it. I assumed it was like a low current wirewound inductor. Does it make sense ?

Thanks for your support.

Renaud fontenay

Modifié par: tourtelier_d on 13/05/2014 - 14:35
Re: Inductive coil 32Khz/433mhz

I′m not the good one to help you on this subject but I′ll alert the right specialists of your question.