Parts Count Method applicable for HF/RF Components?

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Miyuki Miyaoka
Parts Count Method applicable for HF/RF Components?

Hello everyone,


As for FIDES, is parts count method applicable for HF (microwave) / RF (radiofrequency) components?


In the section of "Parts-count reliability prediction" of FIDES Guide 2022, parameters for HF/RF components are not shown.

Hello Miyuki, The part count

Hello Miyuki, best wishes for 2025


The part count methodlogy is not suitable for HF (microwave) / RF (radiofrequency) components.


Given the dispersion of the failure rates of these components of the HF RF components, the creation of a part count is not relevant.


Have a nice day


Miyuki Miyaoka
<p>Dear&nbsp;<span style=

Dear Tourtelier_D, 


Thank you for your reply.


I understand that FIDES detailed analysis shoule be performed on HF (microwave) / RF (radiofrequency) components.


Best wishes for 2025!