Mission profile for short term experiment.

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Mission profile for short term experiment.

Hello dear.


I am processing about experiments all the stress and another parameters for calculate reliability based on FIDES. 

However, I saw in the formula they set up for 1 year mission profile. How can I do with this equation If I experiments and collect data only 1months stress datapoint.

And I don't know how much duration should I store one single data point for my data analysis. If I store every 1second it will be a lot of cycles to calculate reliability even we appply the rainflow algorithm as I found alot of paper they proposed for counting the cycles.


1. How much time should I set up for tracking and store one single data point while experiment ?

2. How can I calculate and revise the equation if I experiment in short duration like 1month ?

3. How can I calculate failure rate day by day for example using only 5h a day and show plot increase failure rate according to the time domain?