New Reliability Prediction module including FIDES data

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New Reliability Prediction module including FIDES data

Hi everyone!

Happy to join this forum. My name is Joana Verdera and I work as a RAMS professional at DMD Solutions (

I'd like to share the news that there is a new tool in the market to support your Reliability Predictions Analysis, including the FIDES databases. It's called Robin RAMS and it is a complete RAMS suite with the following modules:


-Fault Tree Analysis


-Maintainability (MSG-3 method and Zonal Safety Assessment)

-Reliability Prediction

We're really excited to share this with the RAMS community, hoping it will be of your interest. You'll see the tool is very focused on aerospace, but the RPA module has relevant databases for all tech products, including avionics, electronic parts, mechanical parts, etc.

If you'd like to take a further look, there's more info at or reply to this thread to get in touch.

Regards and happy reliability analyses!
