Examples to start with FIDES mtethod

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Examples to start with FIDES mtethod


I′m a beginner in FIDES method and I′m looking for some real examples or exercises in order to practice FIDES analysis.


Re: Examples to start with FIDES mtethod


The only exercices I know are part of the APSYS training on FIDES (http://www.apsys.eads.net/wwwData/files/pdf/Formation_APSYS_2010.pdf). They can′t be distributed freely.

To meet people using and developping FIDES (including myself) you can join the FIDES maintenance structure. It is a working group of IMDR (http://www.imdr.eu/v2/extranet/index.php?page=gtr). The next meeting is in Paris area the 17th November (hosted by MBDA in le Plessis Robinson). If your company is not yet member of IMDR, you can join as guest the first time. Key contacts are given in IMDR′s website. Meetings will be held in english each time a non French speaker joins.

If you have an urgent need and are completly lost, you can ask subcontractors like ISD (http://www.isd-sa.com/anglais/index.htm) or APSYS (both members of the aformentionned maintenance structure) the first time, and learn from their work (these both are French, similar offers do exist worldwide).

Keep going with FIDES!


Re: Examples to start with FIDES mtethod


Ok, thanks for your help.