Model Discrepancy for the "on bard electronic function" between the french and the english version of the Fides 2004 Guide

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Model Discrepancy for the "on bard electronic function" between the french and the english version of the Fides 2004 Guide

We are presently using the "On board electronic function" model of the Fides 2004 guide.

In the scope of the activity we have discovered a discrepancy between the formulaes of the french and the english version of the guide (same issue in the UTE-C version and the excel tools).

The issue is linked to the factor piTcy (page 100 of the fides 2004 guide) :

The french formulae considers a multiplication factor of 0.427 whereas the English version uses a factor of 0.036.

Do you know which one of the formulae is correct ?



My advice will be to use the

My advice will be to use the FIDES Guide 2009A.

The "right" theoretical value is the 0.036 (because it is 0.427 / 12 of course) in the French version. Nevertheless it gives a very low contribution to thermal cycling and this has been changed much in the Guide FIDES 2009A.

The whole COTS board model has changed much in the 2009A version to correct several weakness of the model published in the 2004 version.



Thank you for the answer.

Thank you for the answer.