Package variations & failure rate

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Package variations & failure rate


I'm working on individual package failure rate defined by page 113-114 of FIDES guide 2009 Edition A .

I found some components are not defined by pages above, and I couldn't find failure rate from the datasheet.

At this phase , I could  only contact with the component manufacturer. 


Although I'm not avoiding contact with manufacturer, I assume that some information about package failure rate have been collected from the former edition.

If these information are available before the next edition of FIDES guide , it is helpful to FIDES users.

Any refreshed information about package failure rate in FIDES working group? 

Modifié par: lamda on 28/02/2014 - 05:57

The building of the failure rates tables for packages is a very big work.
To my knowledge, no new information is available.

Thank you for your reply.

Thank you for your reply to my question.