Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009

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Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009
Hi, At the opening of Excel Tools FIDES 2009, more accurately "FIDES V2009 Family & Part Count 1.6 Lite (fr).xls", there is an error message "Project or library not found" when i click on certain cells in "Eqmt" tab and all in "Processus" tab. Regards Sami
Re: Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009

Other users have reported similar problems. I′ll have to check if they are solved.
Re: Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009

It seems that this Excel tools doesn′t always work well with versions of Microsoft Office prior to 2003 (for wich it was designed for).
Could you please, so that we can investigate more :
- tell us your Excel version ?
- be more precise about the error messages you have had ?


Re: Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009
Hi I have the kind of problem. I got the messages "some references and library not found" (I don′t remember exactly and the message was in french. I am using Excel 2010. Regards, Frederic
Re: Problem with Excel Tools FIDES 2009

I fear that the deployment of Windows 7 and MS Office 2010 will bring a lot of concerns with the use of several "old" tools.

The good news is that a new Excel tool for FIDES 2009 is expected next year. The FIDES maintenance structure has funded the project and RFP have been launched to develop it.