Quality assurance standards for electrical components

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Miyuki Miyaoka
Quality assurance standards for electrical components

Hello everyone, 


For electrical components, some quality assurance standards in the table "Pi-PM: Model associated with the QAcomponent factor" should be updated.


For example, FIDES guide 2022 English version:

1. In page 123, quality assurance standards "NASDA-QTS-XXXX" should be updated as "JAXA-QTS-XXXX".

2. In page 133, quality assurance standard "NASDA-QTS-xxxx" should be deleted (New standard JAXA-QTS-xxxx is already shown in tha same table).


Exception: Standards NASDA-QTS xxxx for resistors are still in effect.



Hi,Thank you for this


Thank you for this feedback.

several errors or updates to be taken into account a new version will be proposed after collecting your remarks.

Every feedback on this new release is precious, thanks a lot.